CDRRMCO rated beyond compliant in Gawad Kalasag 2022 regional evaluation

The Koronadal’s City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council and Office (CDRRCO) was rated as beyond compliant in Gawad Kalasag (GK) 2022 regional evaluation.
Following the said merit, CDRRM Officer Cyrus Jose Urbano told that to sustain such standing is a challenge to their department. “Ang pressure sini o challenge, inang ma-sustain nimo ang evaluation rating nga gina-conduct sang Gawad Kalasag,” Urbano stated with no doubt that their office can make it through the support of Mayor Eliordo U. Ogena as chairperson of Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (LDRRMC) and by the help of council member and volunteer groups since the city government has already been awarded twice by GK national because of the disaster team’s commendable performance.
Urbano also expressed confidence that the city will maintain its excellent ranking because, in addition to collaboration, his department continues to provide capability enhancement to council members and does not stop coordinating with all frontline offices in finding ways and initiatives as part of disaster preparedness.
Meanwhile, five (5) out of six (6) Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (LDRRMOs) Assessment Tool got the highest or perfect scores which include – Structure, Competency, Enabling Policies, Knowledge Management and Advocacy, Partnership and Participation in Activities while in the aspect of Management Systems the city scored “Compliant.”
Urbano explained that the LDRRMO failed to obtain the highest adjectival rating in the component of “Management Systems” because there is much more to fulfil in the part of management structure such as the required permanent position which is the chief executive is already made way.
Nonetheless, to uphold the highest spot is pressure but it also has advantages since the Local Government Unit (LGU) Koronadal, community and barangays are already prepared in four (4) thematic areas such:
►Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
►Disaster Preparedness
►Disaster Response
►Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery
The CDRRMO, on the other hand, had drafted a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City Government of Koronadal and South Cotabato Medical Society, pharmaceutical and pharmacies for medicine stock filing as a requirement which is part of disaster preparedness. In recent years, the city also made a similar agreement with the National Food Authority (NFA) which is continuing to the present day.
The GK regional level evaluation for this year was held on June 6. Assessors included the Office of the Civil Defense (OCD), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) Region XII, thus, the regional awarding ceremony is still awaited. The fact that the CDRRMCO received a high score, national evaluators are scheduled to visit the city for validation before the end of the year.