CNO continuously conducts the annual OPT and feeding program

To keep an eye on the nutritional status of children below five (5) years old, the City Nutrition Office (CNO) continuously conducted an annual weighing dubbed “Operation Timbang Plus” (OTP) that started in January and a feeding program that commenced last February.
OPT is a vital option to inspire parents and communes to habitually observe children’s growth indicators. This promotes a culture of prevention and early action before malnutrition takes root. It also enables families with knowledge to optimize their children’s diets and well-being.
City Nutrition Action Officer (CNAO) Marie Jane B. Lihao, on the other hand, made clear that malnutrition is not only limited to issues of being stunted, wasted, underweight, and severely underweight but also refers to overweight and obesity, however, feeding program will prioritize the previous one.
Following the execution of two programs, the Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS) are the ones who lead the conduct of OPT and supervise the implementation of the feeding program as well. This is to ensure that the schemes are being enforced correctly. “Para masigurado nga na-implement gid sang tama ang aton programa, ara ang aton BNS nga naga-monitor sa mga natungdan,” Lihao, said.
Aside from monitoring the activities, to guarantee proper food preparation, balanced nutrition, as well as the quality and quantity of food provided, the CNO also issued a feeding guide wherein a whole week menu, calculation of calories per meal, and cooking instructions were included.
Meanwhile, menus comprise of rice, chocolate rice porridge, mongo, pasta, milk, sardines, and corn beef that will be fed to identify malnourished children for 90 days, thus, Barangay Assumption was the very first recipient of the said scheme with 10 identified beneficiaries. Aside from the food feeding from the city, Lihao said, parents are obliged to add moringa leaves to the menu to make it more nutritious. Based on the 2023 record, the office documented more than 200 malnourished children aged less than 5 years old all over 27 barangays.
While the undernourished preschoolers are more valued on this platform, parents of obese and overweight children, on the other hand, will undergo an information, education campaign (IEC) on adequate and appropriate feedings led by Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) and BNS. Lihao stated that it is essential for the concerned parents to understand the ill effect on children’s health of being overfed especially on high-calorie food intake yet less activity performed.
More so, Lihao is pleading for parents to always appreciate the nutriment subsistence because children have the right to proper nutrition.