CSWDO and partners conduct PES to promote positive parenting

The City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO), in collaboration with the City Population Office and the City Civil Registrar’s Office, recently launched a Parent Effectiveness Service (PES) as part of the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) program. PES began simultaneously on March 5 and will end on April 30, 2024 in 21 barangay Day Care Centers, with daycare parents as participants.
The main goal of the PES was to improve parents’ knowledge and skills in various aspects of positive parenting. Participants received valuable insights and practical advice on early childhood development, behavior management, health care, and understanding the rights and responsibilities of parents and children.
Positive parenting, according to Save the Children-Philippines, is a parenting approach that prioritizes growth and learning through responsive and intentional care, as well as clear, consistent rules and expectations communicated openly with children. It is a method of helping children understand why some behaviors are acceptable and others are not.
During the PES sessions, City Registrar Mr. Perla Quidilla emphasized the importance of securing birth registration for children. Birth registration is critical for ensuring that every child has a legal identity and is entitled to certain rights and privileges.
On the other hand, the City Population Office was instrumental in educating parents about responsible parenting and equipping them with essential parenting skills. Making informed decisions about effective child-rearing practices are all part of being a responsible parent, and participants were taught on the latter.
Furthermore, Ms. Lynie Lane Castillo, Day Care Worker II, gave parents orientations on important laws like RA 7610, RA 6972, and Philippine Presidential 603. These laws specifically focus on safeguarding the rights of children, protecting them from any form of abuse, exploitation, or neglect.
“It is important to educate parents and teach them parenting skills. It is also crucial that they are aware of their children’s fundamental rights. We are now teaching the parents of Day Care students aged 3 to 4 years old,” Castillo said in an interview.
Meanwhile, 27 barangay Day Care Centers offer early childhood care and development to children aged 0 to 4 years old in accordance with the Barangay Day Care Law. It is mandated to offer a wide range of health, nutrition, early childhood education, and social services to ensure the holistic development and growth of children receiving benefits.
The CSWDO, City Population Office, and City Civil Registrar’s collaborative efforts to organize the PES demonstrate their commitment to promoting positive parenting and the overall well-being of the children in the community. By providing parents with the necessary knowledge and skills, the program hopes to foster a nurturing and supportive environment in which children can thrive.
The PES’s success reflects the dedication and collaborative efforts of all parties involved in working to create a better future for the children of Koronadal.