LGU-Koronadal made strides on mental health concerns

“We made our first steps to address the rising crisis of mental health disorders through the Executive Order No. 45-A, creating the City of Koronadal Council for Mental Health,” words uttered by City Mayor Atty. Eliordo U. Ogena during his State of the City Address 2023, highlighting the administration’s intensive effort in providing mental health services in the city.
This has been emphasized during the City Mayor’s speech due to the increasing trend in cases of completed suicide among young adolescents within Koronadal City. Moreover, it has been stated under Section 37 of Republic Act 11036 that every Local Government Unit (LGU) is tasked to implement an effective mental health care and wellness policy integrated as part of the basic health services that should be accessed by every Koronadaleño. In lieu of this, this ordinance has been authored by City Councilors Annabelle G. Pingoy, Ma. Ester M. Catorce, Francis Ross S. Dideles and John Rey Rodriguez and currently in the process of refining the proposed ordinance.
In line with this mandate, the said mental health council conducted a series of meetings to talk about the policies that shall be included in crafting the Mental Health Policy Ordinance. One of the immediate concerns highlighted is the establishment of a mental health desk. The City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) will man the said service center that will refer service users to mental health facilities, professionals, workers, and other service providers for appropriate care. The desk shall also provide an updated list of medical practitioners specializing on mental health in the city, their respective clinic addresses and contact information, and clinic schedules to clients, for referral purposes.
Aside from these immediate interventions to be done and the creation of the local-based council, there will also be an establishment of Barangay Health Committee in all twenty-seven barangays in the city that will aid in bringing the City Mental Health Care Plan to the grassroots level. They will also serve as the first community responders and field personnel in all matters relating to mental health.
Education and promotion of mental health is also expected to be included in the proposed ordinance, especially in educational institutions and in the workplace.This is to protect every Koronadaleno’s right to be treated with dignity, respect, and justice for those suffering from mental health issues.
Under this, the said public and private institutions will be tasked to integrate mental health into their system, there shall also be drug screening services, the creation of suicide prevention strategies, making the public aware of what mental health is and correct the stigma through city-wide multimedia campaigns.
Ordinance No. 45-A is a new step forward of LGU-Koronadal. City Population Officer Janet Demonteverde emphasized in the Gender and Development Orientation Seminar that mental health is as important as physical health and that it should not be a taboo to people.