BOSS 2024 to commence on 1st working day of January

The city government of Koronadal anticipates to process around 600 new registrations of business permits through the Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) which will officially start on the first working day of January 2024.
Just like with the previous years, the BOSS operations – the simplified procedure for renewing/ acquiring business permits will be catered at the BOSS lounge located at the ground floor area of the city hall building to serve local businesses during the renewal period from January 2 to January 20.
In an interview on the city’s development program,“Tingog sang Pagsanyog”, BPLO IV Gilbert A. Gayosa shared the BOSS’ scheduled dates and time. According to him, if January 2 won’t be declared as a holiday, the business registration and renewal will kick-off on January 2 until January 20, 2024, at 8:00 o’clock in the morning until 7:00 o’clock in the evening, but will be closed during weekends. However, they will be opened until midnight of January 20 to give ample time especially to walk-in clients.
As of November 2023, Gayosa highlighted that they have already issued business permits to more than five thousand (5,000) business owners. However, they anticipate that there will be an increase since 2023 is not yet over.
“Sa karon may ara na kita na-isyuhan nga business permit nga sobra singko mil (5,000) that’s why gina-expektar naton nga mas madungangan ina sang mga new business pa gid naton as of first week of December nga na–isyuhan sang business permit, new kag renewal ina. Sa trend sang record naton dira sa business, wala kita gababa sa total number of businesses nga ginarehistro sa kada tuig that’s why ginatan-aw naton ang aton nga siyudad very promising man sa ginatawag nga negosyo”, Gayosa said.
(As of the moment, our office has issued more than five thousand (5000) business permits and expects additional collection for this December. Basing on the trend and to our record, there is no decrease as to the total number of registered businesses every year; thus, our city is very promising when it comes to business.)
To ensure fast, efficient, and comfortable services, Gayosa encouraged business owners and operators to process their renewal and applications as early as possible. He also underscored that the more collections, the bigger budget the city will have for its programs and projects that will surely benefit the people of the City of Koronadal.
“Ginapanawagan ang inyo kooperasyon nga magkuha sang business permit sa siyudad sang Koronadal, sang magproseso sini, kay para magiging legitimate ang aton nga operation kag fair ang aton nga pagnegosyo sa siyudad sang koronadal para fair man bala sa mga nagkuluha kay para pantay kita nga naga-share man sang aton nga obligasyon sang siyudad kay tungod ina nga obligasyon bloodline ina kung ano man ang makoleksyon sang siyudad ina ginabalik man sa mga programa sini para man sa mga katawhan sa bilog sang siyudad sang koronadal”, Gayosa stated.
(We are calling for the cooperation of the business owners to process your business permit as this is one way to legitimize your operation and to be fair also with other business owners. Since it is your obligation, let this be also your share as this is considered as the city’s bloodline and whatever collection we will have will also be enjoyed by the people of Koronadal through the implementation of its projects and programs.)
Under the law, late filing will result to 25% surcharge per quarter and 2% additional surcharge per month.