
LGU Koronadal commemorates the First Kasalan Nang Tribu

November 9, 2022

The City of Koronadal joined the Indigenous community in the celebration for its Silver Anniversary with the theme: 25 Years Fulfilling the Indigenous Peoples Rights and Bridging the Gaps through ICCs/IPs Convergence with Partners Stakeholders to Ensure Economic Sustainability and Security in the Ancestral Domains,” at Bong Gumne De Muhon,


October 20, 2022

The Barangay Empowerment Program (BEP) Task Force, Evaluation Committee and Secretariat Team has finally approved Resolution No. 1, Series of 2022, entitled “A Resolution Approving the Proposed Amendments on the Guidelines for the Availment of the Aid to Component Barangays Amounting to One Million Pesos (Php1,000,000.00) and Endorsing its Inclusion

Aftercare: A look into Jary’s life

October 19, 2022

Behind substance use disorder are people – people with real stories of struggle and triumph, such as Jary, a Koronadaleño who was involved in using and selling illegal drugs. Jary and his wife have been separated from their three children for about six years. The youngest was only one year

CAO implements innovations to improve service delivery

October 12, 2022

To help generate long-term revenue for the city government, the City Assessor’s Office (CAO) implemented innovative strategies, policies, and programs aimed at achieving fair, equitable, and uniform assessments of all real estate, as well as prompt, courteous, and professional service delivery. With its three divisions, Acting City Assessors Rhea Acconie